In “Broken,” readers are transported to a world forever altered, where the lives of diverse individuals are intricately woven into a tapestry of unparalleled chaos. As Bontrager’s novel unfolds, the limits of resilience, relationships, and faith are tested as an unlikely group of people unite to confront an unsettling convergence of challenges that threaten to unravel the very fabric of their existence.
“Set against a hauntingly realistic backdrop of a devastating flu pandemic and intensified by inexplicable animal attacks, the destinies of Blake, Lone, Roxanne, and Savannah collide in the heart of Indiana,” writes Bontrager. “As turmoil intensifies, and the possibility of a biblical end of times looms, they are compelled into a fragile alliance with strangers to survive. Their journey unfolds with jaw-dropping situations that propel each character toward a reckoning with their own beliefs and choices. Some will discover their purpose along the way. Some will run from it.”
Published by Fulton Books, Jill Bontrager’s book is the first installment of the author’s planned trilogy and weaves a tale of gripping suspense and profound insight into the resilience of the human spirit. Expertly paced, “Broken: Book 1” will delve deep into the heart of humanity’s capacity to endure, discover hope despite brokenness, and realize that even in the face of overwhelming odds, faith can change everything.
Readers who wish to experience this spellbinding work can purchase “Broken: Book 1” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.
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