Alison Stack, 48, is a self-employed author and a carer for her disabled ex-partner.
She has written three children’s books under the name of Gigga Black, with the books titled The Scritch, The Barnacles and Skylark and the Dragon.
Her fourth book Eternal Fire is a 21st-century romance set in the fictional town of Broughton, not too dissimilar to Sherborne during 2022.
The story follows a pair of lovers who rescue the female protagonist Emmie’s kidnapped brother from under a lake in Switzerland.
They are instructed by an ex-cabinet minister to steal some Picasso paintings to pay for UK debt.
The couple end up in Qatar with the Crown Prince of Dubai during the Men’s 2022 World Cup and a heist ensues to claim back a world-renowned pink diamond.
Miss Stack said the book is “loosely based on reality and inspired by her life experience”.
She added: “This is my first adult novel and it’s been an absolute joy writing it, and I’d like to thank my close friends and family for their unwavering support during the whole of 2023 and early 2024.
“Also thank you to the mystery man who the character Josh is loosely based on who wishes to remain anonymous.”
The book is due to be released on Friday, May 24.
Miss Stack’s fourth book – Eternal Fire – is written under the name Katie Whitlock.
It will be sold in WHSmith, Waterstones, Amazon and Barnes and Noble but it will also be available at Austin Macauley Publishers and Winstones, the Dorset bookshops.