The summer before college has even more meaning for Blake Brenner and her friends. In addition to transitioning to college life, the young women are trying to gain admission to an exclusive sorority. Blake’s girlfriend, Ella, is the daughter of an alum, but Blake, from a humbler background, knows she’ll have to impress. This adds to Blake’s anxiety about fitting in, feelings she copes with by drinking. Everyone in their group drinks, but for Blake, alcohol becomes increasingly necessary for her to be the bold, self-assured person who can keep Ella’s interest. After dismissing attempts at intervention, Blake is involved in an explosive incident that makes it impossible to deny her problem. This is a well-drawn, unflinching look at the drinking culture that some teens embrace as part of their social world. (Roaring Brook)
Deborah Taylor is a former coordinator of school and student services at Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore and a national expert on young-adult literature.