INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — “The Fault in Our Stars” author John Green in October will join two Indianapolis panel discussions about banned books.
Indianapolis Public Library said in a news release Monday that Green, 46, will lead a moderated conversation about banned and challenged books, and intellectual freedom with educator and Indiana state Sen. Andrea Hunley, a Democrat from Indianapolis.
The library’s conversation will be at 6 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Clowes Auditorium in the downtown Central Library, 40 E. St. Clair St. Free tickets will be available beginning Tuesday on Eventbrite.
The Patachou Foundation will host the other event at 6 p.m. Oct. 24 at Shelton Auditorium at the Christian Theological Seminary, 1000 W 42nd St., on the city’s north side. Jane Henegar, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, will moderate the discussion with Green and Ashley C. Ford. Ford is the author of “Somebody’s Daughter.” Tickets are $85 at Eventbrite, and the effort will benefit the foundation’s work to address childhood hunger in Indianapolis.
The foundation’s conversation, with the theme of “Ban Hunger, Not Books,” hopes to discuss society’s need to “prioritize access to necessities like nutritious food, rather than focusing unnecessary energy and resources into censoring or restricting access to knowledge and information found in books,” said a news release issued Monday.
The library’s release said Green’s young adult novel “Looking for Alaska” is listed among the American Library Association’s most banned books in 2022.
The Indianapolis native has been vocal about his book “The Fault in Our Stars” being reshelved at Hamilton East Public Library, which has facilities in the nearby suburbs of Fishers and Noblesville. The library board on Aug. 24 suspended its policy that had moved Green’s book from the young adult section.
The Indianapolis library says Green’s books in its branches have not been reshelved and have been “in demand.”
National Banned Books Week, which has been observed for more than 40 years, will be Oct. 1-7, 2023.
“Across the nation, efforts to ban books have increased over the last couple of years. Schools and public libraries are impacted by these efforts and must navigate requests to see books relocated or restricted. The Indianapolis Public Library holds intellectual freedom as a critical value. It is important to understand and help educate others on the value of intellectual freedom. Therefore, we are excited to welcome John Green to lead a discussion about this important and timely topic as we start Banned Books Week and celebrate our freedom to read.”
Gregory Hill, chief executive officer of the Indianapolis Public Library
“Books are not just words on paper; they are windows to the world that teach empathy, understanding, and foster imagination. When society censors books, it is in essence closing those windows to the greater world-what a massive disservice to young minds eager to explore and learn about life beyond their backyards. The concept of ‘Ban Hunger, Not Books’ advocates for a world where people can thrive both physically and intellectually.”
Martha Hoover, a restaurateur and the founder of The Patachou Foundation