The Magical Closet Mystery: A Puerto Rican Adventure was the No. 1 on new release in the ‘Children’s Multicultural’ genre on Amazon.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — A Western New York author’s new book has recently been trending on Amazon.
Maria Pérez-Gómez is a writer, performer, mother, and author. She is from Buffalo but has roots in Puerto Rico.
The Magical Closet Mystery: A Puerto Rican Adventure is a her passion project. She dedicated it to her dad.
It started as a children’s musical, then became a puppet show, and now it’s a book series that takes kids on adventures to learn about the island and culture of Puerto Rico.
Her book was the No. 1 on new release in the ‘Children’s Multicultural’ genre on Amazon. She’s inspiring her fans to learn about emotions, and that it’s ok to talk about them and go through them. She’s also hoping people can learn more about her island.
“One of the stories that stick with me is about this little girl. She’s Puerto Rican. Her mom says she was waiting for the Amazon delivery truck to come to the house so that she could get her book. She saw the book and said, ‘Mom, I didn’t know that we could write books too,'” Pérez-Gómez said.
Pérez-Gómez hopes to impact people’s lives, in a positive way.
Pérez-Gómez’s book, The Magical Closet Mystery: A Puerto Rican Adventure, is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The book costs $6.99.