Were your 20s a chaotic blur of rash decision-making, anxiety and self-loathing? Well, good news! I’ve got the book for you. Natalie is a struggling writer and certified hot mess. Her new book isn’t a critical darling, and her apartment is a dump. Plus, she can’t stop refreshing Goodreads — which is how she finds out that Rob, the man she had major sparks with at her best friend’s engagement party, left a scathing one-star review of her book. She’s determined to never see him again. The universe has other ideas.
Hankin performs a magic trick with this book, turning the most unlikeable (and relatable) of characters into flawed protagonists worth rooting for. Natalie and Rob are the definition of “right person, wrong time,” and because the story spans multiple years, we get the pleasure of seeing them make mistakes, grow up and grow together. It’s real, refreshing and romantic. (Berkley, June 18)